power secondary system 电力二次系统
secondary assembly 二次组装
secondary distribution 二次配电; 转手交易
secondary distribution link 次级分布线路
Secondary Power 二次电力
Secondary Power Module 二次模块电源
secondary power network 低压电力网
Secondary power supply 二次电源
secondary power switch 二次送电开关
Secondary Power System 二次电源系统; 电力二次系统
Secondary System of Substation and Power Distribution Station 变配电所二次系统
secondary-secondary glycol 二级邻二醇
the secondary distribution of stress 内力重分布
10 kV power distribution network 10kV配电网
20 kV power distribution network 20 kV配电网
3-D power distribution 三维功率分布
absobed power distribution 抽运光功率分布
active power distribution 有功功率分配; 有功分配
aircraft automatic power distribution system 飞机自动配电系统